August 24, 2004

PHUSON.COM is my new domain name

Since SON08.COM is getting reestablished, I have decided to buy a new domain name, and it's PHUSON.COM. So bookmark it or remember it until SON08.COM comes back live again. Even then, you can still use PHUSON.COM to get here. PHUSON.COM will go live in approximately 24 hours from now!!!

Click on the picture above to get a larger size of it!!!

Here is a picture my coworker, David C. sent me tonight. He modified the picture I took from my trip to Sacramento at the state Capitol. I thought it was hilarious.

Damn, I learned a hard lesson today. Never to put on Bengay on your shoulders right after you have just taken a long hot shower. It burns like heck!!!

I was watching the Olympic tonight again, and was watching the Men's 1500m Heat in the Decathlon. On one of the laps they had to jump over a hurdle into a pond of water and then keep on running. I don't know if this is something old that has always been there, because I have never seen anything like that before...well...maybe because I have never watched the Olympic so intensively (not by choice...of course) before either.

Nevertheless, it was wierd to see a bunch of guys jumping over this long hurdle into a shallow pond of water on a track & field stadium. They look like those equestrian horse competition thingie.

Posted by Son at August 24, 2004 11:15 PM