September 15, 2004

Back again

Hello, I'm back now from my one day break from writing on this weblog. Didn't do much the past days or at least not anything post-worthy in my opinion.

UCI people: check out the new dorm complex, Vista del Campo, UCI just finished building (right next to Arroyo Vista), I think it's brand new, correct me if I'm wrong. Oh man...I wish I can afford to live there this coming year. Would be really nice and close to the campus!

Here is the link to the post on
CLICK ME!!!!!!!

Thanks to my amazingly short-term memory, I can only remember what happened in my life in the past 7.5 hours.

CLICK on link below to continue reading...

It was a busy night at work today, a lot of SmartCart setups, but luckily, we have hired a good amount of student workers in the last couple days to fortunately cover all of these pesky tasks! Hey I’ve just got an idea, maybe I need to take the digital camera to work and start snapping pictures of the people at work! That would be fun! (I can already foresee some of my coworkers getting ready to call in sick for the next couple of days, don't worry, I know where most of you live!)

Well, I met up with Francis tonight and we played some tennis matches until 9PM at one of the Claremont colleges’ courts. Man I haven't played tennis much lately, especially in the last 2 weeks, I'm getting so rusty! Either that or all of balls Francis brought are all flat! Where is the rich Parnoto with his millions of brand-spanking new tennis balls when we need him! Anyway, Parnoto, you better show up on Thursday and we'll play some "real" tennis, and don't bother giving me that "I'm moving this weekend, Son" excuse.

I just thought it was hilarious that we did manage to somehow "come upon" a brand new ball (just one) and for a whole match, we would only hit with that one single new ball. So whenever we accidentally hit this new ball across the fence or on to the adjacent courts, one of us would actually run it down rather than picking up one of the flat balls nearby.

For all those XBOX people or people with XBOX, Fable is finally out! If I had an XBOX, I would get the game but since I don't so it's a no-no. The screenshots seemed to be pretty cool looking. Francis and Brian (if you ever get you XBOX fixed), if you guys ever decide to get it, let me know...I'll be right over...hehe.

Good night world! Dance yo

Posted by Son at September 15, 2004 03:25 AM