September 08, 2004

The Epilogue of a Chapter in My Life

Life works its mysterious ways everyday…Another chapter in my life has slowly but surely come to an end. It was good while it lasted. For the past few days, I feel as though I’m writing the last couple of sentences of the epilogue in this chapter.

What a chapter it has been. I won't ever forget this remarkable chapter, it has its ups and downs, its exciting days, happy days, sad days, worry days, anxious days, hilarious days, romantic days, idealistic days, and some unmistakably crappy days. The pages in this chapter have taught me many lessons in life and have given me many great experiences to build upon.

My view on life has been broadened widely in the past month in ways that I would never have imagined. In my humble opinion, in life, there are always someone that are better than you and there will always be someone that are worst than you. So when you think life is treating you like crap, just remember that it could be worse……or better (but I wouldn’t recommend the latter, because it will only make you feel worse….hehe).

On a funny note, this weekend, I have finally found someone that freaking drives more than I can ever drive and that’s Devin. I have told him that he has received my driver of the year award for the amount of driving he has done in the past 5 days while he’s down here in Southern California. When I think I’m crazy, all I have to do is talk to Darren, he’s just plainly insane…this guy goes swimming at 2 in the morning just to loosen up his muscles. And when I think that I have spent too much money on random stuff, Omar will beat me with his 700+ dollars that he lost in Las Vegas this past weekend!

Ummm…or all of this could just mean that I have crazy friends… =]

I finally got home tonight early for the very first time since 5 days ago. I had plenty of time, after a round of UT2004 with Pete, to upload some pictures onto my gallery. I spent about 3 hours organizing, resizing, uploading, and labeling the 100+ pictures that were taken on the first day of my crazy adventure (9.2.2004). You can get to it by clicking on the link on the top menu to my GALLERY. As for the rest of the pictures (300+), I will upload it in the days to come whenever I get some free time. So Enjoy!

Left to Right: Darren, me, Lisa, and Devin

P.S. – Darren, remember to ask Chendal to send us the pictures that she took with her digital camera at the Dim Sum place, because I have no pictures of that part of the day.

Funny sign! I wonder what the sign is implying…hehe

A far far away village is calling for its idiot! And Darren is trying to answer the call using TWO cell-phones.

I’m starting to write the prologue to the next chapter in my life as we speak…so stay tuned. Good night world. Have a good day!

Note to self: Write it down the next time I have a great idea on what to write on my journal, because sitting here at 5 in the morning trying to remember what to write is difficult when I’m half asleep.

Posted by Son at September 8, 2004 06:42 AM
pete - September 8, 2004 02:00 PM

that fact that you don't know what that sign means, means you need to get out more son. :smile:

it's a warning sign that tells drivers to beware of people crossing the freeway. that's a huge problem down by the sandiego/mexican border area. i'm assuming that picture was taken down in SD? often times, mexicans will cross the borders...sometimes whole families...and in an effort to run from border patrol, they will dart across freeways.

Devin - September 8, 2004 02:09 PM

I think he knows what it means. He was just asking other people. Nice pictures Son. I need copies of my nieces so I can show my family.

Son - September 8, 2004 02:20 PM

Yeah pete I sort of knew what it means but I just want to give the illegal immigrants the benefit of a doubt....hehehe

But I wouldn't disagree with you about the part that I need to get out more.

Devin, will the pictures (a bit compressed to save space) in my gallery suffice the viewing pleasures of your family? Hehe

Son - September 8, 2004 02:22 PM

By the way, that funny sign picture was purely accidental, I was taking a picture of the backdrop landscape on the freeway while the car was travelling at 80 MPH.

I had no idea I took a picture of the sign until I got home and view my camera.

Darren - September 8, 2004 02:57 PM

we shoulda used more props like my ski mask...that was fun stuff. All good times.

hey put something in between me and you so I'm connected to the rest of the group in the top picture man. hahaha Use that rubber ducky or something =)

btw, Thanks for resizing and uploading the pics. Make sure to not delete the wierd ones that you left out. I think I may still have some fun with those.

anyhow, good job with the photos you took. So far the mask is my fav series for Day 1. =)


Darren - September 8, 2004 02:58 PM

oh yeah, I sent an email to chendal re:pictures from dim sum. hopefully, i'll get them on cd or something from her.

Son - September 8, 2004 07:24 PM

Hey Darren, you can just tell her to upload it to her blog and I will just steal it from hers! Muahahahha