October 27, 2004

Time to move on...

Live life without any regrets and whatever I had to do in the past few days, I don't regret one single bit of it even though it is probably one of the hardest things I had to do.

The past few days have signified that I must move on in every way possible. In my life and this website. For the past 3 days straight, many things happened...

I have been idling for the past months waiting patiently for something and a certain someone, but I think a few things that occurred in the past few days basically reminded me again why I have to move on even if I really don't want to.

You know what I hate...I hate it when people think that they know what you want in life and do things that they think it is the best for you just to justify their own selfish reasons.

So I'm going to leave tonight with the simple fact that I must move on...

Posted by Son at October 27, 2004 11:09 PM
Laureen - October 28, 2004 12:59 AM

Even if I dont exactly know what you're going through, I believe that you should go to where you're happy. Whatever it is, it will be easier to get over with if you have a lighter feeling in your heart. :: Sorry for the softy words. I'm not all 'violent' ya know :smile: ::

Son - October 28, 2004 01:59 AM

Thanks Laureen...it means a lot coming from someone who has never posted on my website before! No need for apologizing for the "softy words."

About the violent part... Brian tells me different! :wink:

jeremy - October 28, 2004 10:34 AM

you should quite sacrastic there son, take it easy on laureen. anywho, life sucks ass from time to time, thats why god invented beer, so have a few cold ones and relax for a bit, you'll feel a whole lot better... (peer Pressure)

Son - October 28, 2004 01:44 PM

Oh... Jeremy...I wasn't being sarcastic at all about the comment meaning a lot to me...it's actually quite cool because Laureen never comments on my journal before and I never thought she would.

The only part that I was joking about is the one about the violent part...

Laureen - October 29, 2004 12:15 AM

no need to fight about me.. hahaha! I'm so flattered. :grin:. if it helps i'll go back to being a silent stalker. :grin:

Bri - October 30, 2004 08:38 PM

What the hell? Laureen is posting on another blog site without my permission?? Thats it, no more computer for you! heheh, psh I never get a post on my blog unless it includes violence! Whoops, sorry for ruining the moment, I'll go back to my anti-laureen blog...oh and laureen, its your turn for a new post

Son - October 31, 2004 06:27 AM

Hehe... Laureen, you don't have to be to go back to being a silent stalker...well...only if you want to.

Brian, nice colors on your blog, now you just need to mod the background to a darker brown color!

Parnoto - October 31, 2004 10:00 AM

Son, who is the guy who is causing all the hassle to migrate your stuff. Does this guy need to be taken care of? hihihihihihi

Darren - October 31, 2004 10:29 AM

yep, someone should order a can of woopass from the regulator.

C. - November 1, 2004 10:07 PM


Well, you will always find some kind of way to move towards the "happy light".... well at least son will, some others might just be stuck up, think only for themselves.... and they soon realize how much they had and how much they lost... and also how stupid they were.

Hey son, just walk that happy path because damn with all the cute girls that are hanging out around you feel like you are almost at the playboy mansion (not that I have there or anything... or have I??), and well as we all know brain power will always get you a long way... so well.. hum... I don't think there will ever be any stopping ya.

Son - November 1, 2004 10:29 PM

Parnoto...hehe but we gotta take over Maylasia first, remember?! :lol:

Darren...yeah a can of whoop-ass is in order.

C...thanks! Playboy mansion sounds good...umm...one of these days...:mrgreen: