November 15, 2004


It's finally November 15th. It has been a long and crazy 23 years!

I feel older already! Time for me to start growing up too!

Here is a good quote by Sun Tzu (who wrote the Art of War) that I shall start applying in my life more often in this upcoming birthyear.

Opportunities multiply as they are seized

And on this new year, I give permission to anyone to slap me whenever I'm being a baby and cry over little things again! (just don't use your full force slapping me...or else I won't be able to see the light of day again)

Stress and doubts are so counter-productive...I should keep this in mind.

Anyhow, I would like to say Happy Birthday to Kyle (Nov 13th), Cedric (Nov 14th), and Kristine (Nov 15th). May all your wishes will come true! :smile:

This new birthyear will kick ass! I just know it. Even if it's not! I will make it so! That's a promise! :smile:

Posted by Son at November 15, 2004 01:34 AM
Darren - November 15, 2004 03:03 AM


that's a very wise saying from Sun Tzu...I'll keep that in mind. That's a great thought to keep in mind if you want this birthyear to kick ass. I hope you get your best wishes friend.

Lily - November 15, 2004 12:47 PM


Glad you are keeping a positive attitude...

*Slap* hm... I will keep that in mind :razz:

Kristine - November 15, 2004 01:57 PM

Happy Birthday Son!!!! Have a wonderfull day!!!:grin:

Jeremy - November 15, 2004 04:38 PM

HAPPY BIRFFDAY!! Lets celebrate by playing WOW and kill things!!!!!!!! 23, man your old.

pete - November 15, 2004 10:17 PM

happy birthday! and yes i will be one of those ppl that bitch slaps you when you whine like a baby.

Parnoto - November 15, 2004 11:26 PM

Happy Birthday SOn. Man you are still young. I'm old :sad:

jesse - November 15, 2004 11:50 PM

Happy Birthday Son!!! I hope you have fun tonite... I hope all your wishes will come true in this year and next year...

You don't have to remind me.. "Slap" I'll always keep that in mind..

Nancy - November 16, 2004 12:06 AM

Happy So I missed it by a few minutes. Hope you didn't regret going to dinner w/ us

Son - November 16, 2004 02:32 AM

Darren, thanks man! Sun Tzu is cool!

Lily, thanks! But no more sick jokes!!! :wink:

Kristine, Happy Birthday to you too and I hope you had a wonderful day also and a great upcoming year!

Hey Jeremy, you play WoW waaaayyyy toooo much!! You should've gotten me a pet for my birthday! See you in game.

Pete, wow I thought you would never post on my blog again...hahaha...yes you can slap me if I start whining... :lol:

Parnoto, I'm young? How old are you my mafia brother? :mrgreen:

Jesse and Nancy, thank you and the gals, Derek and Darren for the dinner...and yeah dinner was great! Pizookie was good.

Oh and thanks to all my friends, Devin, Kim, Omar, and Warren for remembering it's my birthday and for calling me up to wish me a Happy Birthday! I appreciate means a lot to me. :grin:

And also, my mom actually remember my birthday this year...amazingly! Hehe, she gave me 100 bucks! Enough to fund me for some WoW action next week... :smile:

Jeremy - November 16, 2004 07:42 AM

Thats it im droping out of school to play WOW full time. it shall be my career. i'll build up a character then sell it for thousands of dollars.
I'll try to find you a good pet son, im thinking a rabbit or snake will be good.

Derek - November 16, 2004 09:11 AM

hey bro happy bday man. sorry we couldn't do more for ya and sorry that i had to ditch early. I'd totally hang out with you over some crappy midterm anyday. take care dude, i'll talk to ya soon

Darren - November 16, 2004 02:29 PM

You know, I'm reading this chain of comments and I see nothing but love man. The horoscopes and celestial bodies are lined up for you this birthyear. Things have definitely shifted for the better for you.

Jeremy, just get a laptop with wifi and play during lecture like everyone else in my school. knock two birds with one stone homey. hahaha

Son - November 17, 2004 03:52 AM

Jeremy, I'm dropping out of school too! Lets play WoW for life! Hahahaha...damn I will train my kick ass rabbit to slaughter some Kodos!

Derek, no problem yo. Thanks for coming, it was cool. I had a great time. Hope you did well on your midterm and all...I'll catch up with you later.

Darren, yup, they shall be lined up. It's all about this year. And too bad Jeremy can't do what you've suggested, because, one, we have no wifi on campus and two, our classes are not lecture style...hehe, the professors actually know who you are exactly! :lol:

David - November 17, 2004 06:38 AM

Happy belated birthday! That's the best kind to have! Seriosuly man, have a good birthday week, if there is such a thing. There is now!

Son - November 17, 2004 08:30 PM

Hey David, thanks! Didn't think you were going to ever comment on my blog again. :razz:

So far this week has whirlwinded down the drain...but lets hope it will get better soon.

Cedric - November 22, 2004 12:30 PM

Thank you Son, happy b-day to you too :smile: