December 08, 2004

I'm drunk!!!

OK!! Just kidding! You and I both know that that isn't going to happen, not unless I either became rich and wealthy overnight, or just won the Super Lottery Jackpot.

But here is a cool picture of me in game drinking 5 beer mugs, one right after another, courtesy of Jeremy aka Theweez. Thanks for taking the screenshot too dude. Next time give me the hardcore liquor ones that will make my screen all blurry!

Chugging away 5 mugs! I'm so hardcore and a nerd!

It's 4 AM and I'm still up messing around with a prototype website for my HCI class. But anyhow, as I was sipping my water away, I accidently spilled a few waterdrops on my desk. One of the drops came out in a very neat design, so I figured that since I just recently bought my cool SD200 camera, let's make some good use out of it! I snapped away and came out with some cool pictures of the waterdrop. Check it out!

Cool looking waterdrop, don't ya think? Seriously,
I didn't tamper with it at all.

Oh yeah, I visited my bestfriends again this past weekend. :smile: Jessie and Sydney are doing great. Thanks Pete and Jane for having me over again. I enjoyed the dinner, it was very delicious...ummmmmmm ...shrimps ...tofu ....good stuff. Too bad that I had to leave early to the dance performance to see someone. Nonetheless, I'm getting some good practice working with kids so I can become a good dad someday...except for the diaper changing part though...not sure how well I can handle that.

Posted by Son at December 8, 2004 03:39 AM
Darren - December 8, 2004 05:27 AM

:mrgreen: HAHAHAHAHA man, you're taking pictures of water drops on your desk at 4AM in the morning?! That's just ludicris. :lol: ...nice desktop though.

pete - December 8, 2004 10:22 AM

you should make a logo out of that water droplet design. :mrgreen:

Denise - December 8, 2004 06:18 PM

I agree with Pete! you should sell it as a logo..then you can make millions!

Son - December 8, 2004 10:34 PM

Darren, yes I'm crazy!

Pete, yeah I should make a logo out of it! I thought of exactly the same thing last night....too bad I wasn't that bored to do something like that. But then again maybe I will one of these days away from WoW.

Denise, I will make millions!!! With that logo!!! have any buyers? :grin:

jeremy - December 9, 2004 08:12 AM

hahaha, im slowing turning son towards the dark side ahhahaha. first virtual beer, tomorrow i start slipping half shots of vodka into his beverages...

Derek - December 9, 2004 08:12 PM

nice H2O drop :grin:

and thats a cool screencap...didnt know u could do that with games?

take care Son!

Son - December 9, 2004 11:20 PM

Jeremy, you evil bastard! Now I know your plan!!!! When are you going to give the hardcore stuff dude?! I'm waiting! :lol:

Derek, hey, thanks, yeah that waterdrop was sweet! Yeah you can do just about anything in this game except for having sex...hahaha...althought I wouldn't doubt that some people'd probably try...sickos! hehe...have a great holidays dude...see you some time.