December 03, 2004

Judgement Day has come!

Ok...after today, I will probably have nothing else to look forward to...nor live for!!!! :( The roller coaster will drop even lower!

I will write more later with some pictures I took with my new camera I bought recently. I've got to go to bed's getting late and I was seriously hallucinating today driving back from school on the freeway, I started seeing things in front of me that aren't there. I had to drive around 60 MPH just because I keep seeing things in front of was a bit scary. I think my body went through some automatic mechanism of shutting down due to the tiredness and sadness I have lately.

Posted by Son at December 3, 2004 03:48 AM
Darren - December 3, 2004 04:58 AM

keep your head up man! the fat lady hasn't sung yet. I am reviving the dance class for next quarter...we'll have 2x the fun next quarter. I'll make sure your sweetheart adds that class tomorrow. :smile:

pete - December 3, 2004 08:20 AM

it is time for that bitch slap that you said we can deliver?

like darren said....keep your head up. life is not all about girls you know.

Parnoto - December 3, 2004 09:24 AM

Life is not about games too :mrgreen:

Derek - December 3, 2004 01:20 PM

i agree with Darren...the fat lady hasnt sung yet. And take some dance classes next qtr!! :lol:

Son - December 4, 2004 03:44 AM

Thanks Darren...hehe...I hope everything will work out like we've planned...hahah...and we know exactly how that works.

Pete, yeah I think I do deserve a slap or a few soon.

Parnoto, life is ALL about games! WoW IS my life! :smile:

Derek, we really need to shut the fat lady up because I don't want it to end! Good luck with your finals next week, give me a call later.

Darren - December 4, 2004 12:57 PM

Thats Right! The class seems to have ended with a whimper, but some interesting things happened at the end...I got someone's email and IM. Son got a phone call from the "Egyptian Goddess"...hahaha
Things are looking up...and we're shutting the fat lady up, in the most humane way possible of course.

Son - December 4, 2004 02:29 PM

Hahaha...ok...let's not announce to the whole world that wierd phone call! It's probably nothing...:neutral: by the way, I'm down with kicking the crap out of the fat lady if that's what it takes!

David - December 4, 2004 04:01 PM

Hey Son what's this about a phone call? :smile: :smile: Sounds good! Anyhow hopefully that makes dance class ending not so bad :smile:

Son - December 5, 2004 03:52 AM

David, if only it sounds as good as we read it from Darren's comment...hehe...nothing is as good as what it reads...unfortunately...or else life would be too good!