April 20, 2005


Quick post again, 'cuz I have an early class in the morning. It's my Computer Law class. It starts at 9 AM but that usually means I have to wake up around 7 AM to get ready and take off. Traffic is always a b**** that early in the morning! I'm so not looking forward to that at all. Would somebody please remind me to order the Fastpast/Fastrak transponder thingie some time this week, please!!! So I can finally use it to drive on the speedy Toll Road 241 straight to Irvine instead of the dreaded and awful 91 freeway! It will cost me around 4 bucks or so one way to Irvine, but think about the cost of gas nowadays and the 20 minutes of traffic I might not have to be stuck on(!) and you will see what I mean!!!

In other news, check out my cool lottery quickpick ticket. Every time I stop by to put gas in my car, I usually just buy a dollar of the Super Lotto Quickpick ticket just for fun. You know! Just to see what kind of crap numbers the machine will randomize for me (as a computer scientist, it's kinda cool to see the kind of "randomized" numbers being "fixed" just to jack my one measly dollar – yes I'm skeptical)! Check out what I got recently a day ago at a gas station in La Verne.

Almost a straight draw! What?! We're not playing Poker?!! :smile:

Hehe…I don’t even need to check the drawing tomorrow night and I know I won’t win anything!!!! I remember checking out my ticket right after I bought it, and chuckling so hard at it. I almost wanted to return it to the cashier and ask for my dollar back!!! :lol:

Have a good day! :smile:

Posted by Son at April 20, 2005 01:26 AM
Darren - April 20, 2005 12:58 PM


David - April 20, 2005 01:45 PM

Hahaha, nice! I bet it actually went through a lot of "randomization" algorithms and then just came back with that sequence of numbers anyway... crazy waste of technology!

Here's my idea for randomization - just involve some of the following: adjust based on computer time, adjust based on CPU temp (up to thousands place decimal, for greater randomization, adjust based on outside temp. Of course you'll need sensors for the last two!

Derek - April 21, 2005 09:03 PM

isnt the chances of winning a lottery like 1 out of 800 million or something? lol :smile:

Son - April 22, 2005 03:12 AM

Darren, :lol:!

David, you are so crazy!!! Now lets us create that in PHP and pull it out of a MySQL database with full timestamping!!! :razz:

Derek, yeah not sure exactly what the probability for winning, but I know for sure one thing is that...I'm not winning!