June 10, 2005

Enough dancing!!!

Woah...the past 2 days I have been preparing for the medal exam that I had to take earlier this afternoon. It was tough but fun nonetheless. I was determined to do it and do it well. In the past 3 days, I have been dancing for almost 10 hours. Darren was there too, it's good to have company to motivate each others. He needed to practice anyhow. We were determined and motivated to kick ass and chew bubble gums...The medal exam wasn't very important, but it's more like we had something to prove to ourselves that we can do it...and that's about all it takes. Well...life's short, you only get to do certain things at certain times in your life, why not take full advantage at the given opportunities, right?

I'm starting to develop calluses on parts of my sole that I never knew possible. And this is with dancing shoes too... :smile: I hope I did well. Maybe I'm also starting to develop an appreciation for all those crazy devoted dancers out there...hehe :wink:

This past Tuesday I had to perform with the ballroom dance team for one of the Social Dance classes. I think the more I perform in front of people, the more comfortable I am starting to get with this idea. It's almost like public speaking or class presentation...a different cup of tea, nonetheless, as long as Son's prepared, Son's always good to go! Note to self: dancing latin is just way too fun!

I'm so exhausted! Well, enough dancing for a little while, I've got to get back on track with school and grind it out hardtime this last week of the quarter. I have 1 take-home final and 2 big papers to turn in by this coming week. Anyways, I'd love to sit here and write more about what's happening with my life lately. Come to think of it, there are actually a lot of things and a particular special girl...but I really need to get some sleep before I literally pass out!

So possibly once summer starts, I will recap on what has happened in the past few weeks or what not for ya. However, in the meantime, sleep first, write more later! Time to lock myself in my room for the next few days...ooookkaaay...as if that's really going to happen! :grin:

Posted by Son at June 10, 2005 03:38 AM
Derek - June 12, 2005 02:11 PM

i'm sure you kicked ass man....weds nite was awesome back @ the Dance Studio! wish we could've done more of those... =)

Darren - June 12, 2005 03:30 PM

You kicked ass! too bad we didn't have any bubble gum though.. :oops:

Son - June 13, 2005 08:37 AM

We did it! Gratz! :grin:

Derek, yeah good stuff, we should do that much more often...

Darren, I did! You should've asked me, I would have given you some too!

kk...back to writing my final!