July 04, 2005

Happy 4th of July!

It's been a while since I've blogged. Approximately 9 days to be exact since I last wrote something. Summer school has started for me again. I'm only taking one class but it seems to be a pretty intensive class. It requires much work being done outside of class than most classes I've taken. Too bad it's a group project class and it's nearly impossible and practically unethical for me to bail out of the class at this time into the summer session, since I've already been assigned to a group and a project. The reason I brought this up is because my dad offered to pay for my trip to Vietnam whenever I do decide to go. It's been a while since I've been back to my home country. And he was telling me how my uncle over there just bought a Mercedes Benz and so if I do decide to go back, I'd get to ride in style...hehe...he explains to me how staying with my uncle while I'm over there, even though I'll be in a third-world country, but the quality of life is almost up to par with how it is over here. I guess he wants me to visit my grandpa, the only one of my grandparents that is still alive. So maybe in a year or whenever I'm done with school...again...I will possibly get a chance to travel for a bit before having to work a real job.

Last weekend, I had the opportunity to relearn and apply my manual stickshift driving skill! With Pete's meticulous guidance, I was able to speed down the street right around the corner of where he lives like a racer within 15 minutes! The first time I drove a stickshift was back in high school and it was only for few minutes...therefore, it didn't really count. But this time, relearning it and actually getting to drive it for a good 15 minutes or so really...I can now say that I know how to drive a stickshift and be just as cool as everyone else! Pete needed an extra car to drive from his house to the train station he takes every day to work, so he was brave enough to let me drive his "new old" car that he just bought on the same day. With Jane's superb asian bargaining expertise, I was joking with Pete on how my laptop is more expensive than his newly aquired "new old" car. :lol: Stickshift is so fun and interesting to drive. I actually enjoyed it despite of how much of a pain in the butt it is having to shift every time you want to change gear to go faster or coming to a complete stop. I'm proud to announce that I managed to not stall in a single time while driving it that night! Having to additionally use my left foot to step on something while driving is a pain in itself! :lol: However, I think it takes too much effort to drive a stickshift, the thought of being stuck in traffic with a manual transmission car is horrifying.

Click here to see Pete's "new old" ride and the picture's description.

Fast forward to this weekend, especially today, I was over Kim's house for her birthday party and Kent's graduation party BBQ. I brought Allison along, she has her hair up...pretty! :wink: I also invited Darren to come by too. It's good to see some old friends again. Food was delicous as always! By the way, thanks Darren for saving me some gas money and a trip down to Irvine by giving Allison a ride up north to my area. I appreciate it.

After the BBQ, I couldn't stay long enough for the poker game because I wanted to visit Pete and his family before his daughters' bedtime. I think it was a bad idea to bring Allison along to visit Jessie and Sydney...especially, now that Jessie likes to play with her auntie Allison more than her favorite uncle Son! :mrgreen: No fair! Hehe... Sydney is so playful now as she tries so hard to crawl on her knees and hands. She's very adorable now that she's even more animated with her facial expressions and her cute attempts of utterance.

Posted by Son at July 4, 2005 03:27 AM
Darren - July 5, 2005 12:28 AM

Daym! that's so cool you get to drive a real stick! I only get to drive it in the Ferarri Video Arcade game at D&Bs, gogo racer!
I'm glad to have driven your precious cargo to the BBQ safely. :grin:
The thought of failing that mission is what terrifies me...not the traffic. hehe

Norm - July 5, 2005 03:31 PM

Good for you!

Unless of course you were in neutral and sliding down the hill the whole time...

Sounds like you had a busy weekend.

Son - July 6, 2005 05:03 PM

Darren, now that I'm a better stick driver, I need to try that Ferarri game at D&Bs one of these days. Hehe...precious cargo mission accomplished!

Norm, yeah I just left it in neutral and cruise the whole way! Can't get better than that, no need for shifting of any gears! :lol:

Darren - July 7, 2005 06:34 PM

yep yep Practice makes perfect. :0)

pete - July 8, 2005 03:45 PM

yes you were a good student phu-san. next time i give you lessons, i expect you to address me as ark sensei. got it?

Son - July 9, 2005 02:43 AM

Darren, yes practice makes perfect and also leads to more failures too! depends on which way you are looking at it!

Pete, phu-san? too much Naruto! :lol: