August 14, 2005

42nd Street

Well, since Son never posts anything anymore, I'm taking over until he's done with his project and has time again.

So yesterday, Son (being the wonderful boyfriend that he is) drove me out to Palos Verdes to see my little sister in a production of 42nd Street (a musical with alot of tap dancing in it.) He picked me up at about noon and we drove out to the LA area. The 405 was packed for some reason, but we made it out there with plenty of time to spare. We went and got a bouquet of roses for Kristen then headed over to the theatre to meet my family, who had our tickets. They put on a very professional production of 42nd Street, especially for the small theatre it was in!

After the show we went out to greet my sister and a few other friends that I have that are in the show. We went with Kristen and the family to eat at Marie Callendar's, since it is close to the theatre and Kristen had to be back to prepare for her second show in about an hour. After my Kristen and my mom left for the theatre, we all started heading back to my house. Son and I stopped at Krispy Kreme on the way back, because he has been craving donuts, so we stopped there and talked for a while.

By the time we got back to my house my relatives had left and only my brother and dad were there (they didn't go see the show). We drove my brother to go get some dinner then went back to the house. They decided to watch Team America. Son and I watched it with them... by the end of the movie I had decided I'm not old enough to see it - after burying my face in Son's shoulder and covering my ears for half of the movie. Definitely not appropriate for my 12 year old brother!! After the movie Son and my dad were talking computers, so I kinda zoned out for a while. My mom and sister got home from the theatre around 11, and we left soon after to go back to Irvine.

It was a good day, and Son got along well with my relatives, which was very nice. But now we both have to get back to work.... Son with his huge project and me with my two math classes. Only five more weeks of summer...

Posted by at August 14, 2005 11:03 PM
Son - August 15, 2005 01:33 PM

Somebody finally posts something on this site! It was deteriorating! Stupid summer school... :roll:

jeremy - August 16, 2005 02:22 AM

geez i wish i had a life...:cry:

Norm - August 17, 2005 01:59 AM

Quit running Molten Core and work on your project :-P

Darren - August 19, 2005 03:35 PM

omgs! My comment didn't get posted on this blog! nooo :**(

Too bad I couldn't come to watch the performance with you guys....although it probably worked out better that I didn't since you guys prob made out during the entire performance :mrgreen:

Son - August 24, 2005 01:53 PM

Jeremy, you do have a life! It's called eBay!

Norm, nothing beats afk'ing in MC and work on my project at the same time!

Darren, please...we can't just make out in front of her family...maybe afterward! :lol:

Norm - August 25, 2005 07:23 AM

Wondering if your project is ending up like this

Guessing that you're more focused on this

Son - August 25, 2005 01:21 PM

Norm...geez, seems like you have a lot of time on your hands to find these comic strips for me...thanks! Hahhaahahha...I guess China's plan is already in effect.

Commi Motherland!