May 29, 2005


For the most part today, I spent it on the beach. Even though not everything went through as planned or as expected, but I did enjoy it, and I'm not regretting anything that I've done. I haven't been to the beach for the longest time. It was nice just to sit on the velvety sand and indulge the wonderful scent of the sea. The gentle clashing waves are always so mystical to me. Spending the day with someone special is always nice no matter where we're at, what happened or didn't happen. :smile:

As for earlier today, I want to extend my congratulation to Cedric for receiving his MBA. Sorry, I couldn't make it to your graduation. I'm coming by to visit you soon maybe some times later on this week! Ok, time to get some sleep. Nighty night!

Posted by Son at May 29, 2005 04:05 AM
Darren - May 29, 2005 09:15 PM

gratz to Cedric! now he can finally play WoW again right? hehe

Derek - May 30, 2005 11:54 PM

beach, huh?? :wink: (thinks of Baywatch...jkjk!)