May 30, 2005


Here is a nice quote from a fortune cookie that I saved from a while back. I'm not sure if I've quoted it on my blog yet but here it is anyways!

You happiness is intertwined with your outlook on life.

I like this quote because it is so true, especially for deep thinking and logical people like me. :smile:

Today was one of those days that I went on my little monthly eating binge just to catch up on all those missing meals from the past busy weeks. :lol: I indulged so much food over at Kim's BBQ and enjoyed the icecream cake a little bit too much(!) at her little niece's birthday party. Anyways, I spent the rest of the afternoon playing Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 2005 with Francis, Kent, Lucky and Vien. For the most part, it was just completely comical and amusing! We did pretty well for being total beginners at this game. The physics of the game is somewhat realistic and true to life (Yes I'm a nerd...) There is quite a variety of ways to hit a shot that makes it for an interesting game to play. And the control is not so bad, it's pretty responsive.

Posted by Son at May 30, 2005 03:47 AM
Derek - May 30, 2005 11:53 PM

good chin up, buddy! at least u didnt get one of those lame fortunes (ie. advice cookies)

Lily - May 31, 2005 12:37 AM

You happiness is intertwined with your outlook on life in bed =).

Son - May 31, 2005 01:22 AM

Derek, thanks buddy, hopefully everything is going good with you on your end of things.

Lily, hehe how can I forget to add the "in bed" part to all fortune cookie sayings. Thanks! Well actually if you put it that way! Man I'm pretty unhappy then! :confused: